Entertaining, one of the games i have played most, and because its fun i want to add some constructive points that could make it better:
Flight model: some areas of the flight model have improved since early versions of the original, however here are some elements of the carrier landing 1 (version 3... Maybe) that were better. What is completely unrealistic and incredibly frustrating when setting up for landing ( of which there is a lot in the game) is the complete unwillingness of the nose to slice ( drop) in a gentle turn with relaxed pitch input. Hence final turns that in reality should be 40-55 degrees of bank with a dirty jet are instead cranked to 110-120 degrees of bank fighting to get the nose to drop through the horizon. Try looking for youtube vids of jets flying closed pattern final turns like that. Doesnt happen. In version 3 ( Im even more sure now, looking back) of the original game the model was not like this. You could set up nicely perched, 1000 agl in the downwind cut the throttle, throw on some bank (40-55) and be rewarded with a nice stable descending turn to short final. It was like a sport in and of itself in the old game. That was before the ability to look around, which actually wasnt so bad in the old game because the view out he HUD ( especially the velocity vector and pitch ladder) isnt skewed like it is now.
One last note on the bank/pitch/nose rate observation: it really doesnt add up in the campaign missions with "red 2" (which is an odd call cause clearly he is leading you). When trying to hold form in a turn, red 2 has a gentle 30 odd degree bank, while you have to throw on 60 to match the same turn rate. Doesnt add up.
Perhaps it would be best if red 2 was modelled with the same flight engine, allowing an actual opportunity to really fly form. I had a frustrating experience, tucked in echelon right ( but more like offset trail cause I couldnt catch him), thinking this looks pretty cool, when instantaneously red 2 gently turns across my nose, which I could have matched except for the massive, excessively non linear speed drop by red2 that instantly had us in the same place at the same time. Not fun, and unrewarding.
So, please take this as a positive, great game, with a few tweaks would be even better. So.....
flight model tweaks ( let that nose slice!)
+ aligned HUD
+ same flight model for red 2/ other aircraft
= a big leap in further in the awesome direction